- TEAM -

One goose can fly 75% further in formation with other geese than they can themselves.


Courage is going from failure to failure without loosing your ENTHUSIASM.


What one does for themselves, they GO with it. But what they do for OTHERS, they leave BEHIND.



“I choose NOT to be a common human being, It is my right to be uncommon, if I can. I seek opportunity not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the State look after me. I want to take a calculated risk to DREAM and to BUILD. To fail and to succeed. I REFUSE to live from hand to mouth. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of UTOPIA. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It’s my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefits of my creations and to face the world boldly and say: this with God’s help I have done. This is what it means to be an entrepreneur!"


-Ms. Abiola A. -Writes…..

“You see, I had a unique problem. Unfortunately, every Investigative Firm I consulted turned me down with words like: oh we can’t help you or you must know that our investigation came back with nothing and you have to spend more money on this file.

Miraculously, a friend of a friend advised me to call Ascent Intelligence. After the first consultation with John and his team, not only did John answer all my questions but was also available every time I called. Now, I finally have the results I dreamed of. I’m so happy I can laugh once again. John has grit, professionalism and humble to the T. God bless you Team - Ascent Intelligence!”

- Ms. Amanda - Writes……

I took the ministry approved Private Investigator Course through Ascent Intelligence Agency. John was delightful, professional, encouraging and helped me succeed. Thank you

- Mr. Keith - Writes……

I am extremely grateful to Ascent Intelligence for the first-class, very professional job they did in searching for my 12-year-old daughter. They demonstrated a genuine, heartfelt caring when I described how much it would mean to me to find my precious child. I needed to locate her, so the courts can step in and complete the job to reunite us.

As my daughter has been taken into hiding for 31 months now, this is a highly emotional issue. Ascent Intelligence showed great sensitivity and understanding in keeping me up to date regularly and discussing our options. They even prayed for us over the phone, which really touched my heart.

They also dug up additional clues that have helped us narrow down her whereabouts, and will help us reunite. It's rare to find this kind of concern and integrity out there in the business world. I would highly recommend John and Ascent Intelligence Agency. It's well worth the investment.

Keith, Peterborough

- Ms. Vivian - Writes….

I am very impressed with John & his team’s work at Ascent Intelligence. I was referred to John by a well known private investigator company. From the very beginning of the job, Mr. John Opoku listened to my needs. I was looking in search of a family member, who could be in trouble- a life or death situation, not something to be taken lightly. 

The case was a bit complicated; it wasn't easily rectified. . I haven't been in contact with this particular family member for close to a decade, it raised many stressors for me. This is what John said which has been extremely reassuring, "Your problem is my problem". What he means by that is.. until my problem goes away, his job isn't done. 

The extent of their work goes WAY BEYOND looking for my family member. They used many resources to get what I needed including, top-notch video surveillance with high-quality imaging, Intel computer networking to retrieve database of my subject, and a "hard" mentality. Their mentality is laser focused, relentless in their work, and they don't give up. 

I think this is what I admire the most about their work. John doesn't take my search like it is work, he is looking to help.. coming from a place of heart and compassion. He made sure to answer all of my questions, and went above and beyond.. to continue our working relationship to do follow-up on my subject- just in case there is anything he could assist with. 

In this day and age, to find working professionals who aren't gauging you for every dollar in your pocket is rare! I am eternally grateful that he has done so much for me and my family already. I don't know how else to express this level of gratitude, after he has given me the information I needed for my subject. 

All I can say is, they’re the best in the industry. The case file write-up is written up in detail with locations, times, dates and pictures; an accurate timeline of where, when, and how they did what they did. 

Thank you, John & Team Ascent from the bottom of my heart. 5/5 Google Stars is the max on Google, I would rate higher if I could!!! THANK YOU.

The greatest Revenge, is Massive Success!!!