Privacy Policy & Terms of Service.

Privacy Policy

Ascent Intelligence Agency Incorporated adheres to its professional obligation to keep all information received within this website exclusively confidential. Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), all organizations engaging in commercial activities must comply with this legislation. Please be assured that the privacy of your personal information is being protected at all times to the best of our ability.

We will collect your information directly from you at the start of or during your purchase agreement in order to provide commerce services to you and bill you for our services. If required for the purposes of providing our legal services, we may also obtain, with your consent, information about you from third-party sources including our agency (AiA) employees, banks and government agencies.

Your personal information will not be disclosed to any third parties without your expressed written consent. Under certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information if required or authorized to do so by law, for example, if compelled by a subpoena.

Ascent Intelligence Agency Incorporated will take all reasonable steps to ensure the protection of your personal information from loss, unauthorized access or disclosure. Thank you!



Ascent Intelligence Agency Incorporated rely on the information you provide through the Web Site, including registration information (name and email address), residential address, mailing address, payment information (credit card numbers and expiration dates), and transaction-related information, which must be true, accurate, current and complete. You will be solely responsible and liable for any and all loss, damage, and additional costs that you, we or any other person may incur as a result of your submission of any false, incorrect or incomplete information.

Also note:A Day” constitutes 8 Hours of Surveillance + travel to and from site + 300 km. After which a new day starts if the customer chooses to do overtime. There are no hours and Kms carry-over to another day’s surveillance. Our Investigators are deemed in their right to discontinue surveillance after informing the Client either by email or written medium of communication of the reach of 8 hours and 300km. During the course of surveillance, the Client must be informed/updated every Four (4) Hours in relations to pertinent findings. Furthermore, all “Flat Fee” purchases are final after purchases. As the Investigator is scheduled to attend the day’s surveillance, should there be any change in the client’s wishes due to some unbeknownst situation, we reserve the right to analyze the situation and advise on how to proceed. We do NOT use GPS Tracking devices, except there is proof of full Vehicle ownership. Also, corporate vehicles must show documentation to be eligible for this service.  

Please note, if an investigator is subpoenaed for whatever reason, the Agency reserves the right to the days/hours spent in court, including travel for a minimum of at least $700 plus km/day.


All these Courses are deemed complete after the Ministry Exams and additional Training is completed. Should there be any deception in the application process, ASCENT INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INC., reserves the right to terminate the contract with the student in writing and without any refunds or exchanges.